Areas of Practice
“Trauma” is an umbrella term that covers your physical, mental and emotional responses to many different parts of your human experience.
Whilst it is often easy to identify traumatic events (e.g. relationship breakdown, deaths, abuse, attack, accident, bullying, car accidents and the list goes on), defining “trauma” can be difficult (which we do a bit later).
More important than defining it is knowing the ways trauma impacts your life.
In essence trauma is known first by its signs, at the extreme end are diagnoses such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (a term which we dislike) and Complex PTSD, but also includes anxiety and panic attacks, phobias, depression, weight loss or gain, hyper or no sex drive, feelings of guilt or shame, feeling numb.
We have a more complete list on the What is trauma? page.
“Well-Being” is orienting yourself toward living a meaning-filled life that is grounded in a pragmatic perspective of both yourself and life itself.
A well-being-based perspective means embracing all the different parts of your being; body, mind and soul as well as addressing the ‘external’ parts of life, such as a making a living, having good relationships.
There are different ideas of what is covered by the term well-being, some people have 7-domains (e.g. physical, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, occupational and spiritual), some add an 8th (e.g. financial), and some have 12 (such as the originator of the modern well-being movement Jack Travis), but break it down differently identifying categories like self-responsibility and love, breathing, sensing, eating, moving, feeling, thinking, playing and working, communicating, intimacy, finding meaning and transcending.
The point is that well-being is about proactively building a healthy, fulfilling and engaging life that is holistic.
Most people mistakenly believe that their trauma responses are their personalities… but they aren’t.
What was learned (i.e. trauma responses) can be unlearned.
When you are no longer steered by your trauma, “well-being” is a great paradigm to orient your choices.
Chronic Pain & Body Symptoms
Usually sentences like:
“It’s all in your head.”
“Your pain is psychosomatic”
“Your pain has no medical cause.”
Can sound judgemental and leave you feeling frustrated, alone and confused.
The truth is that many types of pain and other body sensations can be traced to disturbances with your mental and emotional states.
This is a normal and natural part of human life and is not something that deserves harsh judgement.
Sandy specialises in supporting people who experience all kinds of pain and anguish is especially good at resolving chronic and intermittent pain.
Life Coaching
Stephen Neale, Lisa Spencer-Arnell and Liz Wilson in Emotional Intelligence Coaching define coaching as one of the most powerful ways of communicating that is like a laser on your thinking that cuts through procrastination and straight to the chase.
Life coaching is practise of applying a coaching mindset to the art of living.
It’s about moving you forward and helping you to know where you want to go and breaking down how you are going to get there.
Perhaps you are interested in life coaching because you lack clarity of your goals or maybe you would like to build better tools for living.
Whatever the case we have experience in coaching people from all walks of life and at all stages of their journey.
By working with us (we are coaches and therapists) you get the best of both worlds – a safe and skilled professional who will not only help you to uncover what you really want but also someone who will support you to really make the changes you need to make to bring your vision for life into reality.
Executive & Entrepreneurial Coaching
Sustainable high-performance is the key to living a life in which you unlock your potential, but where your blind spots?
It’s your blind spot that trip you up and limits your achievement.
No one is brilliant by themselves in a vacuum.
Everyone needs advisors and support people to help them to really shine.
Add to that the fact that the World Business Council have ranked emotional intelligence as one of their top-10 skills for success in the 21st century and it begins to become clear why having a therapist and coach in one professional is not only desirable, but actually smart – it allows you to unblock your past while blasting forward.
Think of your intentions as GPS directions, a therapeutic skill set takes the brakes off while the coaching mindset allows you to accelerate forwards.
All three working together are needed to get you to your destination in the quickest and safest manner.
Both Amar and Sandy have a wealth of experience, and broad skill sets to share.
With experience coaching top-performers in industries as diverse as aviation, politics, fashion, law, medicine, the construction and property and the community sector, few professionals will support your holistic excellence as well as we can.
Life 2.0: Experience Psychoeducation Embodied
When you are no longer steered by your trauma, who are you?
As part of our holistic approach to trauma work and well-being we have developed our Life 2.0 Masterclass Series. This program consists of six masterclasses (each between 5 and 7 weeks delivered on Wednesday nights (7-9/9:30pm Australian Eastern Time) delivered over 12-month period to support you to fundamentally reshape your experience of life.
While we recommend that you start with the Befriending Your Nervous System, there is no requirement that this is the case.
Awaken, Evolve & Transform is recommended to be last masterclass as this course supports integrating all that you will have learned over the course of your learning journey.
These courses are delivered live by Dr Amar Dhall and Sandy Farac over Zoom, so you can access them from anywhere in the world.
They both support and are supported by the one-on-one and group sessions that we offer.
Masterclass 1: Befriending Your Nervous System (5-weeks)
Masterclass 2: Taming Your Inner Critic and Self-Saboteur (5-weeks)
Masterclass 3: Boundaries Level 1 (6-weeks)
Masterclass 4: Boundaries Level 2 (6-weeks)
Masterclass 5: Tackling Drama Dynamics (7-weeks)
Masterclass 6: Awaken, Evolve & Transform (5-weeks)